PECM Issue 22 2016 | Page 96

Gears, Drives & Motors ä ä ä ä ä ä ä ä ä 0DQXIDFWXULQJXSWRPPGLDPHWHU 7XUQLQJ *HDU %HYHO+HOLFDO([WHUQDO ,QWHUQDO6SXU*HDUV :RUPV :RUP:KHHOV 5DFN6KDSLQJ%URDFKLQJ.H\ZD\LQJ 9HUWLFDO%RULQJ&HQWUHOHVV 5RWDU\*ULQGLQJ %RUH+RQLQJä,QGXFWLRQ+DUGHQLQJ &$' 1RWLQVWRFN":  ƌŽƐƐнDŽƌƐĞ͘^ŚĂĚLJ>ĂŶĞ͕'ƌĞĂƚĂƌƌ͘ϰϰϵhŝƌŵŝŶŐŚĂŵ͘ƐĂůĞƐΛĐƌŽƐƐŵŽƌƐĞ͘ĐŽŵdĞů͗нϰϰ;ϬͿϭϮϭϯϲϬϬϭϱϱ&Ădž͗нϰϰ;ϬͿϭϮϭϯϮϱϭϬϳϵǁǁǁ͘ƌŽƐƐDŽƌƐĞ͘ĐŽŵ Cross+Morse invests for the future C ross+Morse is proud to announce their latest machine acquisition; a Hurco VM30i Vertical Machining centre; which includes a 4th axis and dual screen monitors. The VM30i is at the cutting edge of technology minimizing setup and programming time with touch screen capability, part probing, conversational programming and wifi connectivity. DXF files can be transferred from within our CAD software, Autodesk® Inventor®, directly to the VM30i saving time and enabling the machine operator to create programs in situ. Remote offline programming can be done using the Winmax® software and these programs are then transferred via wifi to the VM30i. This machine fits perfectly into the machining capacity 96 PECM Issue 22 of Cross+Morse as it bridges the gap between turning and gearcutting. This machine maintains the highest possible quality levels of Cross+Morse meeting the requirements set out in ISO9001 for continuous development. Mike Scudamore, Commercial Director at Cross+Morse, stated “this machine ensures that our highly experienced and skilled staff has the latest technology to support them. We at Cross+Morse are committed to improving our machining capabilities and maintaining our reputation as one of the UK’s premier suppliers of specially manufactured sprockets, pulleys, racks and gears.” Tel No: +44 (0)121 360 0155 Email: [email protected]