PECM Issue 17 2015 | Page 77

Fluid Handling +XEHUKLJKSUHFLVLRQ OLTXLGWKHUPRUHJXODWLRQ IURPR&WRR&  /DEWH[KDYH\HDUV H[SHULHQFHRIVDOHVDQG VHUYLFLQJWKH+XEHUUDQJH  :HRIIHULPPHUVLRQ SUREHVEDWKFLUFXODWRUV ODERUDWRU\WKHUPRVWDWV KHDWLQJFLUFXODWRUEDWKV UHIULJHUDWHGFLUFXODWRUEDWKV 81,67$7K\GUDXOLFDOO\ VHDOHGFLUFXODWRUVDQG FKLOOHUV0RUHWKDQ PRGHOVZLWKFRROLQJDQG KHDWLQJFDSDFLWLHVIURP :DWWVXSWRN:DOORZ VFDOHXSIURPUHVHDUFK WRSURGXFWLRQ)LQGRXW PRUHDERXWRXUEHVWVHOOHUV PLQLVWDWŠXQLVWDWŠPLQLFKLOOHUŠ XQLFKLOOHUŠDQGURWDFRROŠZKLFKGH¿QHWKHVWDQGDUGV RIWHPSHUDWXUHFRQWUROWHFKQRORJ\ )RUIXUWKHUGHWDLOVFRQWDFW/DEWH[RQ RUYLVLWZZZODEWH[FRXNWRVHHWKHUDQJH Health & Safety $UH\RX DWULVN" The Master solution to staying safe Master Abrasives has been offering solutions for industry over many years, through its experience and knowledge of abrasiv es and tools. To complement its product and service range, Master now offers the complete solution for training with its safe use of abrasives (machine and handheld power tools) course as well as awareness of Hand Arm Vibration (HAV) via Toolbox Talks. As a member of the British Abrasives Federation (BAF), Master supports its recent statement that, when used correctly, abrasives have an excellent safety record. Whilst reputable manufacturers follow precise manufacturing standards (EN 12413) to ensure products are fit for purpose, problems are likely to arise when products are used incorrectly or for materials and applications for which they were not intended. Abrasive wheel breakage is the largest risk for incidents, as grinding tools have operating speeds up to 180 mph and can accelerate and decelerate faster than a Formula 1 racing car. Personal injuries resulting from wheel breakages are usually a result of using hand held machines and unfortunately are the single largest reason for a wheel breakage is operator error. For this reason it is a requirement of the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER) that all people who use, supervise or manage the use of work equipment have received adequate training. Master offers the solution to ensure this requirement is covered for employers, helping to keep their workforce safe - the safe use of abrasives training course, accredited by the BAF - issuing all who have attended and passed the course with a certificate. This course familiarises abrasive users with simple, basic but vitally important facts about abrasives, the use of them and how, when used correctly, they have an excellent safety record. Please contact us if you would like more information on any of the products or services that Master Abrasives offers. Email: [email protected] ZZZPDVWHUWRROVHUYLFHVFRXN :HFDQVXSSRUW\RX DQG \RXUEXVLQHVVZLWK x 7UDLQLQJ x 7RROER[WDONV x 2QVLWHWRRO DXGLWV x 2QVLWH +$9WHVWLQJ x +$9PDQDJHPHQWV\VWHPV x 7RROVHUYLFH UHSDLU x 3UHYHQWDWLYHPDLQWHQDQFH x 1RLVH DVVHVVPHQWV 0DVWHU¶VFRPSOHWHWRROPDQDJHPHQWSDFNDJH 1RZLQFOXGHV &DOOXVWRERRN\RXUIUHHGHPRQVWUDWLRQRUIRU PRUHLQIRUPDWLRQ 2.+43(.-2à%.1à(-#42318à 7HO VDOHV#PDVWHUWRROVHUYLFHVFRXN #0DVWHU$EUDVLYH Issue 17 PECM 77