PECM Issue 17 2015 | Page 121

Tools ,QWURGXFLQJ 7KH1(: ,&(/%*656XSHU 5RWDWLRQ/RDG5LQJ 7UDGLWLRQLQ'\QDPLF,QQRYDWLRQ ï'RXEOH65EDOOEHDULQJXOWLPDWHVROXWLRQIRUWXUQLQJ ćLSSLQJ DWKLJKZRUNLQJORDGV ï,QQRYDWLYHEDOOEHDULQJWHFKQRORJ\RIIHUVVPRRWKURWDWLRQZLWKRXWMHUNV ï$YRLGVXQLQWHQWLRQDOVODFNHQLQJRIIDVWHQLQJEROW ï5RWDWHVrLQDOOGLUHFWLRQVXQGHUORDG ï&OHDUO\PDUNHGZLWKPLQLPXPZRUNLQJORDGOLPLWIRUDOOORDGLQJGLUHFWLRQV ï8VHGDFURVV2IIVKRUH(QJLQHHULQJ+HDY\GXW\OLIWLQJ&RQVWUXFWLRQ  PDQ\PRUH Introducing the ICE-LBG-SR Super Rotation Load Ring RUD are proud to be the first manufacturer & supplier of offer this truly innovative lifting point solution T he ICE-LBG-SR maintains the design of RUD’s popular VLBG series. The VLBG offers numerous advantages; it can be turned 360° and is loadable in all directions. The NEW ICE-LBG-SR possesses an array of innovative designs. Firstly, the double SR ball bearing offers the ultimate solution for turning and flipping at high working load limits (WLL) without affecting the mounting bolt stability. It enables the load to rotate 360° in all directions under load. The advanced ball bearing technology is arranged in a double way which transfers the forces of the WLL into a rotation movement without jerks. Avoiding unintentional slackening of the fastening bolt. The ICE-bolts are made of fine grain steel which guarantees a high static and dynamic strength with the smallest bolt diameter. Safety is paramount across all RUD products and the ICE-LBG-SR is a great example of this. The lifting point is clearly marked with the minimum WLL for all loading directions. Patented markings indicate to the user when the product is no longer suitable of service. The clamping spring works as a noise reduction device and holds the suspension ring permanently in the requested position of the lift. RUD supply the ICE-LBG-SR in standard sizes M8 up to M30. RUD offer a wide range of lifting and lashing applications covering a working load capacity range from 0.6 to 200 tonne. For more information please call 01227 276 611 or visit Issue 17 PECM 121