PECM Issue 16 2015 | Page 82

Facilities Management 3URYLGLQJKDQGZRXQGPHFKDQLFDOVWDUWHUPRWRUV IRUGLHVHOHQJLQHVLQWKHIROORZLQJDSSOLFDWLRQV +D]DUGRXVHQYLURQPHQWV QWV x 2LO *DV x 0LQLQJ 3UREOHPHQYLURQPHQWV V x 0DULQH x ,QGXVWULDO  (PHUJHQF\XVH x *HQHUDWRUV x /LIHERDWV $QGPDQ\PRUHLQFOXGLQJ x 7KLUG:RUOG x $JULFXOWXUH  7HO   (PDLOVDOHV#VSULQJVWDUWHUFRP ZZZVSULQJVWDUWHUFRP Quote reference: KIN/013 for a 5% discount from your first order 4XRWHUHIHUHQFH.,1IRUDGLVFRXQWIURP\RXUILUVWRUGHU Manufacturers choose EcoCooling for low cost, efficient plant and personnel cooling A large Northamptonshire based cereal manufacturer used EcoCooling evaporative coolers for multiple sites. Site 1 - The clients were having problems in their process and production areas where the equipment was emitting large amounts of excess heat. EcoCoolers were chosen due to their proven success at similar sites and the low capital and operational costs. Site 2 - Personnel at several packaging work stations were struggling with high temperatures. Each EcoCooling unit can cool 200m² of floor space, or a 15m diameter circle, for only 1kW of power or 14p per hour. Email: [email protected] Rozalex, the British manufacturer of professional skincare products, is delighted to announce that their new “PDS” Pouch Dispensing System is now available. Rozalex PDS has been designed to fulfil and exceed the needs of customers across a wide range of industrial sectors and applications. It combines simplicity and cost effectiveness with industry leading products and formulations all encased within the Rozalex brand. The initial range will consist of just 16 formulations that enable Rozalex to tailor solutions for almost every industrial application. Established products remain such as the benchmark Rozalex Dri-Guard & Wet-Guard barrier creams. These are complemented by BS-EN approved anti-bac cleansers, an all new Natural Mousse Scrub containing woodflour & lavender oil all the way through to the extra heavy-duty pumice based Gauntlet Extra. The range also boasts two high quality hand sanitisers, both of which are BS-EN approved and is concluded with Rozalex Xworx - a high quality reconditioning cream. The products are dispensed using either a 2 litre or 800ml dispenser depending on formulation or size required. 82 PECM Issue 16