Peace & Stability Journal Volume 8, Issue 1 | Page 35

UNSCR 1325 Pillars as reflected in the U.S. National Action Plan on WPS (2016) Institutionalization: Through interagency coordination, policy development, enhanced professional training and education, institutionalize a gender-sensitive approach... in conflict-affected environments. Participation: Improve inclusive, just and sustainable peace by promoting and strengthening women’s rights and effective leadership and substantive participation in peace processes, conflict prevention, peace-building, transitional processes and decision-making institutions in conflict-affected environments. Protection: Prevent and protect women and children from harm, exploitation, discrimination, and abuse, including SGBV and TIP, and to hold perpetrators accountable in conflict-affected environments. Prevention: Promote women’s role in conflict prevention, improve conflict early warning and response systems through the integration of gender perspectives, and invest in women and girls’ health, educa- tion, and economic opportunity to created conditions for stable societies and lasting peace. Access: Access to Relief and Recovery (includes DEMOB, Disarmament and Reintegration Program) in order to respond to the distinct needs of women and children in conflict-affected disasters and crisis, in- cluding providing safe, equitable access to humanitarian assistance. i.e., Ex-combatants Different Security Needs              Women: Domestic Violence Rape & Sexual Assault Trafficking Social Marginalization Kidnapping/Bride nap- ping Lack of legal protection Honor-related threats Lack of health services Girls: Rape/sexual assault Forced marriage Early pregnancies Lack of access to edu- cation Forced Recruitment              WPS Agenda* UNSCR 1325 (2000) Women in peacebuilding* UNSCR 1820 (2008) Sexual Violence as a war crime* UNSCR 1888 (2009) Strengthen efforts to end sexual violence* UNSCR 1989 (2009) Women in the peace process* UNSCR 1960 (2010) Violence against men, women and children* UNSCR 2106 (2013) Sexual violence in conflict and post-conflict, includes men* UNSCR 2122 (2013) Women’s role in conflict prevention/resolution* UNSCR 2422 (2015) Countering Violent Extremism and Terrorism (CVET)* UNSCR 2272 (2016) Sexual exploitation and abuse in peace operations UNSCR 2331 (2016) Human Trafficking Men: Torture Abductions Forced Recruitment Gang violence Organized crime Stress due to inability to protect family Alcohol abuse Sexual Violence Boys: Abductions Forced Recruitment Lack of access to educa- tion Rape/sexual harassment Drugs Conflict affects women and children disproportionately Current online training available on JKO: The following publications include WPS content:  “Improving Operational Effectiveness by Integrating Gender Perspective”      “Role of Gender Advisors”   Joint Publication Stability (JP 3-07) Joint Publication Peace Ops (JP 3-07.3) Protection of Civilians (ATP 3-07.6) Protection of Civilians Military Reference Guide 2 nd Edition PKSOI SOLLIMS Lessons Learned Sampler. “Operationalizing WPS” (NOV 2017) Multinational Force SOP (PACOM)