Peace & Stability Journal Volume 7, Issue 2 | Page 23

Workgroup 5 lead LTC Kristine Petermann WG 5 also included robust discussions of best practices for the capture and dissemination of WPS Lessons Learned. One of the key approaches agreed upon by the group was the impor- tance of including vignettes and scenarios when giving instruc- tion on WPS. 1 Utilization of PKSOI’s Stability Operations Lessons Learned and Information Management System (SOLLIMS) and NDU’s Military Education Research Library Network (MERLN) should become resource repositories for WPS Lessons Learned, as they allow for cross-linkage to other entities, thus increasing visibility, networking, and reference availability. WPS would benefit greatly from a communication strategy to ensure general awareness throughout DOD. Education and training must be available from strategic to operational to tact- ical levels. Success will require key leader support/championing of the WPS agenda to make substantive and sustainable gains in mainstreaming gender perspectives and WPS awareness. Monthly DOD WPS videoteleconferences aided WG 5’s success, and will continue to be a venue to sustain these efforts. The inclusion of our non-DOD partners led to substantive and productive follow on meetings. WG 5 will continue to engage on WPS issues and plans, as a prelude to the 2018 PSOTEW. Notes: The following Sample Training Scenario, taken from "WPS: A Case for Increasing Awareness of the Gender Perspective", is available in full at conferences/wjtsc14/working-groups/itl/ wjtsc14_genderawareness.pdf 1 21