Peace & Stability Journal Volume 7, Issue 2 | Page 10

the case studies , and draft recommendations for additions and removals based on specific environments .
WG 2 : Intelligence to Counter Transnational Organized Crime as a Driver of Conflict and Instability
WG 2 attempted to develop a methodology to identify observable activities common to criminal groups to enable mitigation strategy development when combined with social network analysis , geospatial analysis and other analytic techniques . The result was a new analytic model called the Basic Activities Identification Template ( BAIT ).
WG2 members were tasked with using the BAIT to observe activities of a number of violent groups and help identify mitigation strategies from the findings . The deliverables included an expert-tested analytical model for identifying activities of all types of violent groups and a training manual and process for analysts to identify destabilizers ’ activities on which are based effective mitigation strategies .
WG 3 : Identify characteristics of sustainable stability curricula for a pan-agency audience by examining past successes and failures , discussing future policy shifts , and sharing best practices in planning
As the US approach towards stabilization is shifting from large footprint , long-duration efforts to selective small-footprint , short-duration strategies , the education and training approaches must also adapt . This WG discussed current and anticipated stabilization challenges and factors for success in order to identify the Knowledge , Skills and Abilities ( KSA ) for future stabilization curricula .
The objectives of this WG were to enhance shared understanding of sustainable stability ; identify the core components of stabilization training applicable across audiences ; develop a list of tools for use in stabilization training , such as exercises , case studies , knowledge , skills , and abilities ; and outline next steps for design and implementation of curricula .
The deliverables were a summary of key competencies and gaps , baseline recommended case studies and exercises , and a proposed way ahead with stakeholders to continue collaboration .
WG 4 : Transitional Public Security – The USG response
DOD Directive 3000.05 ( DRAFT ) Stabilization recognizes the primary stabilization sector responsibility as civil security .


JP 3.07 includes Transitional Public Security ( TPS ) as a primary task of the military as it transitions to host nation or other competent authority . Yet within DoD , there is a lack of consistency within the DOD in understanding what it means and thus creating inconsistent publications and training and educational efforts .
The WG 4 objective was to consider TPS in light of policy , and determine a cogent and consistent DOD approach that is complementary to interagency partners ’ efforts . The deliverables were to develop a clear understanding of TPS ; identify the necessary KSAs to conduct TPS ; integrate TPS efforts into broader interagency police reform and stability policing efforts ; and outline an ideal TPS Program of Instruction .
WG 5 : Develop an updated implementation guide for the “ United States National Action Plan on Women , Peace , and Security ” of June 2016
The USG is deeply committed to the participation of women in advancing peace and security throughout the world . Consistent with this commitment , in December 2011 , the inaugural US National Action Plan ( NAP ) on Women , Peace , and Security ( WPS ) was released to help chart a course for the USG to advance women ' s inclusion in conflict and insecurity mitigation . In 2016 , the NAP was updated to identify areas that call for new or renewed focus . WG 5 will propose congruent updates to DoD WPS implementation guidelines with the goal of reinforcing the USG commitment to the foundational principle that states , " societies are more peaceful and prosperous when women are empowered to realize their full potential through full and equal rights and opportunity ."
The WG produced specific recommendations for updating the core requirements of the DOD WPS implementation guide to replace the 2013 guidance . The WG also proposed a way ahead with stakeholder leads and a summary of the WG discussion .
WG 6 : Training for Senior Leaders Going into an Advisory Role - Is there a training & education gap ?
WG 6 reviewed the alignment of the troop to task mission within the Executive-Generating-Operating function ( EGO ) construct as a guide . The workgroup then examined whether the creation of minimum training requirements or a critical examination of the Security Cooperation ( SC )/ Security Force Assistance ( SFA ) mission and end state will enhance senior leader training and education and ultimately the conduct of missions . To determine the appropriate training & education requirement for senior leaders , the workgroup sought alignment in : 1 ) a clear U . S . diplomatic , development , defense mission / endstate ; 2 ) a clear troop-to-task review of the mission to