Peace & Stability Journal Volume 5, Issue 4 | Page 8

WG 3: Transforming Ideas into Operations was spon sored by the Minerva Project on Operationalizing Social Science Research for Defense Users. The WG introduced the initiative to a wide range of Defense stakeholders in the peacekeeping and stability operations community. Through the Ideas to Operations roundtable discussions, solicit the WG’s input on how to increase the utility of the research to enable professional military education institutions to leverage more social science research in their programs. The deliverables were a roadmap of the DoD processes and stakeholders for integrating social science innovation into the peacekeeping and stability operations training and educations community. Through a Lessons learned construct for high quality, emerging social science research, the WG identified key challenges, barriers, and impediments to the rapid integration of social science research, innovation, and insights into programs. WG 4: Facilitating Cross-Sector Support to Economic Stabilization in Post-Conflict and Fragile States was sponsored by PKSOI. The WG discussed how to best facilitate cross-sector (government, non-government/ humanitarian, business, and civil society) support for economic stabilization in post-conflict and fragile states, while achieving "unity of understanding and purpose" among participants. The WG leveraged best practices and historical examples of successful cross-sector economic stabilization collaborations to determine appropriate roles, missions, organizational structures and processes. The WG deliverable is a DRAFT Table of Contents for an update to Unified Action (Commander's) Handbook for Military Support to Economic Stabilization. WG 5: Transitional Public Security/Transitional Security Sector Assistance sponsored by PKSOI. The WG conducted a comprehensive review of the Unified Action (Commander's) Handbook for Rule of Law (RoL). The handbook review was intended to identify knowledge, skills, and attributes for Transitional Public Security (TPS), to define specific training guidance, and to inform the development of a TPS Program of Instruction (POI) Assessment Model. The deliverables are a refined draft RoL handbook and POI assessment model, as well as a way ahead for evaluation of all related POIs. 6 WG 6: Leadership and Education: Develop Professional Military Education for Non-Civil Affairs (CA) O