Peace & Stability Journal Peace & Stability Journal, Volume 6, Issue 3 | Page 10

PKSOI Staff meet with NATO TEPSO to Finalize Training Modules for Protection of Civilians In March 2016, PKSOI participated in the Spring NATO Training and Education for Peace Support Operations meeting in Stockholm, Sweden. Eighteen Nations and 3 agencies, to include PKSOI, were represented at the meeting. The two main focus areas of the meeting were "Finalizing Training Modules for Protection of Civilians", which was led by PKSOI representatives Col Mark Haseman and Col Jurgen Prandtner, and "Personal Recovery", which was presented by the Finnish Defense Forces International Center. The group considering adding a course on a "Child Soldier Initiative". The NATO Allied Transformation Command representative provided a brief on "Global Programming", and its impact on the Military Support to Peace Support discipline. This presentation became the starting point for identifying training requirements and possible training solutions for NATO forces and partner nations. PKSOI will support these efforts with subject matter experts in order to create an end of year report with recommended solutions. The group visited the VASA Museum, and received an impressive historic case study on how the failure to follow best practice can cause dramatic consequences. In this case study, senior leaders ignored the advice and state of the art constructions methods in building a ship, resulting in the ship sinking and many sailors dying. 8