Peace & Stability Journal Peace & Stability Journal, Volume 6, Issue 1 | Page 26

PrinciPles and Guidelines for un PeacekeePinG oPerations Core Pre-dePloyment training materials I N C O L L A B O R AT I O N W I T H AU T H O R S F R O M : Australian Defence Force Peace Operations Training Centre; Chilean Joint Peacekeeping Operations Centre; German Armed Forces UN Training Centre; Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre, Ghana; and the Swedish Armed Forces International Training Centre P R O J EC T C O O R D I N ATO R Colonel (R) Øyvind Dammen, Dammen Consultants Norway S E R I E S E D I TO R S E R I E S E D I TO R Harvey J. Langholtz, Ph.D. Harvey J. Langholtz, Ph.D. ADF-POTC CECOPAC GEUNTC KAIPTC SWEDINT Peace Operations Training Institute ® Peace Operations Training Institute ® PKSOI has made available free introductory e-learning on United Nations Peacekeeping Operations (UN-PKO) to U.S. military personnel t