PCC News Monthly PCCNov17Web | Page 26

THE MIRACLE THIS IS...POTASSIUM By Kyle Jessop If one were to take a plant and burn it to ash, and then take that ash and boil and evaporate it, the residue would be pot ash. Our extremely resourceful ancestors did just this. They once gathered plants, burned them, then took the ash, the pot ash; boiled and evaporated it for the residue to make soap, which everyone knows to be a cleansing agent, an alkalizer, antacid, or neutralizer. Much later in 1807 the element garnered, or collect- ed from this pot ash, became known as Pot-ash-ium, or, Potassium. Every single vitamin and mineral have a story just as interesting, and there is nothing more fascinating because we are these elements, and they are the very essence of human beings. Organic raw honey is replete with life enhancing potassium. “It is no mere theory, but has been proved that bacte- ria cannot live in the presence of honey for the reason that honey is an excellent source of potassium.” Page 95, Folk Medicine, D.C. Jarvis, M.D. This is because potassium much like magnesium has an insatiable, or unending hunger for water thus dehy- drating the bacterium to its demise. Interestingly enough, although bananas contain some potassium, they are far from an adequate source for someone seeking more of this essential nutrient. This was simply another clever marketing campaign. The most concentrated bio-available forms are from plants, or organic greens, beans, tomatoes, dates, and of course my favorite, organic apple cider vinegar with the “mother.” Data was recently published in both The New Eng- land Journal of Medicine and the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition which concluded that less than 2% of American adults receive even the bare minimum “recommended” intake of potassium today. Imagine now the children and what they receive. The typical American now seems to take in less than a one quarter percent of what our ancestors did. “Every cell in our bodies requires potassium to func- tion.” ~ Dr. Micheal Greger, M.D. It has been stated and written by numerous others that there are four vital elements required for life and they are oxygen, water, sodium, and potassium. The largest concentration of any mineral inside our 26 November 2017 pccnews cells is or should be, Potassium. Potassium is essential for life, and when enough potassium is absent from the body, we swell, because too much sodium alone enters the cell which of course is where one would get high blood pressure. Low potassium levels also equate to pain because without enough potassium the body will inevitably have no, or low levels of the crucial circulating steroid hormones known as glucocorticoids. I now have just described arthritis. By the way, cholesterol is the precursor or initial building block of all steroid hormones such as gluco- corticoids. So why would anyone deliberately endeavor to ob- struct their bodies ability to create this molecule by inflaming and irritating their livers? “Vermont folk medicine holds potassium to be the most important mineral, in fact, they key mineral in the constellation of minerals. It is so essential to the life of every living thing, that without it, there would be no life.” Page 57, Folk Medicine, D.C. Jarvis, M.D. Mother Nature has provided for us what we need to thrive, and most of it is in what we know to be planted. When we ingest food, we are receiving information. Information that can build and strengthen, or degrade, weaken, and of course rewire the human organism. This is OUR DNA, and I say we protect it. “A real scientist is someone who is infinitely curious and humble at the same time. A real scientist is some- one who asks questions of nature, then humbly waits for the answer.” ~ Mike Adams valhallafit.com