PCC News Monthly July 2017 | Page 9

An Herbalist’s View - Lemon Balm The history of Lemon Balm is steeped in mythology, philosophy, medicine and even Shakespeare referenced this lovely herb in his writings. Lemon Balm originated in what is now Turkey, traded around with other spices on ships, eventually making its way to nearly every part of the world. This lively herb teaches us to flourish where we are planted and to make everyone happy on the trip. The latin binomial for Lemon balm is Melissa officinalis. Melissa is the Greek word for honeybee due to the history of planting Lemon Balm near hives to keep the bees close as they love the nectar of this uplifting plant. Not only is Lemon Balm a wonderful addition to any garden with its bright green leaves, and intoxicating fragrance, it also provides us with a lovely addition to our culinary endeavors. A sprig in our water or iced tea, making a tea of the leaves or adding it to salads or any other foods make it a wonderful addition to the garden. As I will continue to highlight herbs that have medicinal properties, I also want to highlight their ability to make it onto our plates, or cups, to enjoy for the sheer pleasure of their presence. Lemon balm is a gentle yet effective herb for reducing anxiety and improving mental clarity. It helps to clear the mind at night when sleep proves to be elusive. It helps reduce the problems of nervous stomach, both helping to calm someone and then to aid with digestion. Lemon Balm is also high in volatile oils making this plant a strong ally as an anti-viral. Lemon Balm aids the nervous system, and is indicated for issues such as Shingles and Herpes Simplex. Not only will it help to reduce the outward symptoms of these viruses but it also helps to alleviate the pain associated with them. Taking the plant internally as a tea is an effective way to take advantage of its health benefits but even the use of a crushed fresh leaf on the site of a cold sore will greatly improve the healing process. It does well in large pots as Melissa likes to sprawl out and make runners. I encourage you to try a cup of fresh Lemon Balm tea, enjoy her relaxing benefits and take a deep breath. Inhale that scent and smile. – Sue Ehlbeck [email protected] Happy Independence Day! pccnews July 2017 9