Patient Education Guide to Lung Surgery | Page 7

� Collapsed Lung : If a portion of the lung wall is thin or ruptured , air may leak into the pleural space . When air collects in the pleural space , the lung may collapse . This is also known as a pneumothorax .
� Segmentectomy : A larger portion of the lung is removed than in a wedge resection . A whole lobe is not removed .
� Pleural Effusion : This occurs when fluid collects in the area around the lungs . This fluid prevents the lungs from completely expanding .

Types of Lung Surgery

There are many factors that your surgeon will look at when discussing your surgical options with you . The size , location , and type of lung problem , and any other lung problems , will all be part of that discussion .
� Wedge Resection : A triangleshaped piece of the diseased lung tissue is removed . A small amount of healthy tissue around the diseased portion is also removed . This surgery can be done through minimally invasive surgery or thoracotomy .
� Lobectomy : A lobe of a lung is removed . The left lung has 2 lobes and the right lung has 3 lobes . Removing 2 lobes of the lung is called a bilobectomy . The surgeon will also remove local lymph nodes during a lobectomy .
Wedge Resection Lobectomy