Patient Education Guide to Lung Surgery | Page 12

Pre-Operative Care
During Surgery

Your Hospital Stay

The Day of Surgery

When you arrive at the hospital , you will need to register . After this , you will be taken to a waiting area until the nurse comes to get you before surgery .

Pre-Operative Care

A nurse will take you to the Pre-Op area . You will change into a hospital gown . An IV ( intravenous ) line will be inserted into your arm . This will be used to provide fluids and medications .
You ’ ll meet your anesthesiologist or nurse anesthetist to discuss the medication that will help you sleep during surgery . Ask any questions you may have at this time .
Before surgery begins , you ’ ll be given general anesthesia to put you into a controlled sleep while the surgery is being done . You will not feel any pain or remember the surgery . An antibiotic is typically given before surgery and you may also receive antibiotics after surgery .

During Surgery

You will be closely monitored throughout your surgery . You will have electrodes placed on your chest to monitor your heart rate , blood pressure , oxygen , temperature , and breathing . You will have a urinary ( Foley ) catheter to drain the urine from your bladder . Sequential compression devices ( SCDs ) will be on your legs to help prevent blood clots .
Your family should wait in the surgery waiting room so they can receive updates throughout your surgery and recovery .