Patient Education Cancer Care | Page 34

Mount has many programs M o u n t Carmel C a r m e l h a s m a n y p r o g r a m s geared g e a r e d towards t o w a r d s c cancer a n c e r s survivors. u r v i v o r s . I If f y you o u are of f t these programs, have a r e not n o t aware a w a r e o h e s e p r o g r a m s , h a v e any a n y questions q u e s t i o n s a about b o u t r resources e s o u r c e s a and n d cancer or r w would c a n c e r survivorship s u r v i v o r s h i p o o u l d l like i k e t to o learn Mount Carmel Cancer l e a r n more, m o r e , c call a l l M o u n t C a r m e l C a n c e r Services S e r v i c e s at a t 6 614-546-HOPE 1 4 - 5 4 6 - H O P E ( (4673) 4 6 7 3 ) a and n d select s e l e c t #2 # 2 for f o r S Support u p p o r t a and n d S Survivorship. u r v i v o r s h i p . A Survivorship Care Plan includes: • Details of your cancer diagnosis • A summary of the treatment you received (surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, etc.) • Contact information for your care team • Guidelines on how often and who you’ll be seeing for follow-up care • Important recommendations for healthy behavior and preventive care, including managing effects of cancer treatment, watching for possible late/ long-term side effects, and monitoring possible signs of recurrence or second cancers • Information and resources for support for common concerns that cancer survivors face Survivorship We want you to know that we will be a source of support to you even after you’ve completed your active treatment for cancer. Even after treatment, you may have questions and concerns that need to be addressed. As a cancer survivor, you may also need support services and resources. Many patients who are transitioning into cancer survivorship will receive a Survivorship Care Plan. This detailed plan provides a record of your care so that you can move forward knowing that you will be supported and guided throughout your post-treatment care. 33