Patient Education Cancer Care | Page 29

• Drink liquids such as milk, Ensure, Boost Plus ® , or Carnation Breakfast Essentials ® a half hour before and after meals. • Try to add extra protein and calories without increasing the amount of food by adding cheese or eggs to many of your food dishes. • Avoid greasy foods and rich sauces. Fats take a longer time to be digested. • Take breaks during meals. • Chew foods well. • Avoid gas-forming foods such as cabbage, onions, nuts, legumes, beer, and carbonated drinks. • • • • Weight Gain • Sometimes weight gain occurs during cancer treatment. This may be the result of certain medications, hormone therapy, chemotherapy, or a change in eating or exercise habits. You may also retain water due to certain medications. This is called edema, and it is more common in ovarian, breast, and prostate cancers. If you notice weight gain, do not go on a diet right away. Instead, talk to your doctor or dietitian fi rst. He or she will help advise you on what healthy steps you can take. Choose a colorful variety. Avoid high-fat, high-calorie snacks such as chips, cookies, candy, and ice cream. Instead, snack on fruits, vegetables, or fat-free popcorn. Reduce added fats in your diet such as salad dressing, margarine, butter, mayonnaise, and gravy, or try using low-fat varieties. Prepare your food with low-fat cooking techniques, such as broiling, baking, and steaming. Use nonstick pans while sautéing so no added fat is needed. Reduce the amount you eat of calorie- dense baked goods, such as muffi ns, cookies, cakes, and quick breads. Regular exercise can help burn off the extra calories that lead to weight gain. Sore Mouth or Throat Some cancer treatments can lead to mouth sores, tender gums, or a sore throat. Your doctor can give you medication that will help ease your mouth and throat pain. Certain foods can irritate an already tender mouth and make chewing and swallowing diffi cult. To make eating less painful, carefully choose what food you eat and take good care of your mouth, teeth, and gums. Try soft foods: To help manage weight gain: • Milkshakes • Bananas, applesauce, or other soft fruit • Cottage cheese or yogurt • Mashed potatoes or noodles • Macaroni and cheese • Choose lean cuts of meat such as chicken, turkey, fi sh, and lean beef. • Choose low-fat dairy products such as 1% milk, low-fat cottage cheese, or low-fat yogurt. • Eat more fruits and vegetables. 28