Pass It On October 2013, Issue 2 | Page 6

Formative Assessment Methods

'inside the Black Box' from Dylan and William is one of the most referenced texts in relation to assessment. Their short research paper is based on exploring the effect of formative assessment on learning. Many of the studies they conducted showed that 'improved formative asessment helps the (so- called) low attaioners more than the rest, and so reduces the spread of attainment whilst also raising it overall.

This PDF is a fabulous guide to all aspects of assessment for learning.

This document has 50 AfL ideas for use in maths classes but many are generic enough to use in ANY course.

This wonderful teaching site is entirely dedicated to Assessment for Learning.

Are you matching assessment methods to learning outcomes? This document might help.

This video is filled with advice and useful formative assessment strategies.

The Planning for Learning site has sections for asking questions, assessing through discussions and presentations, marking & feedback, target setting and measuring progress. Take a look and get some ideas today.

Take a look at this information to find out more about assessment for learning.

This booklet contains TOP TIPS for assessment from LSIS.