Pass It On November 2013, Issue 3 | Page 4

SMART Targets


Students' targets should target a particular area of their study.


Students should state how they'll go about achieving their target. This way, they'll be able to measure whether they have achieved success.


Students give themselves a task that is too big or too beyond their reach at this stage of the course. Breaking a target down means that a target can be achieved over time.


Students should ensure that their targets are connected to the topics currently being studied. It should be connected to recent feedback they've had and they need to prioritise an area for development.


They should set a timescale for their target. This means they have a deadline to aim for.

This workbook is all about the advantages of ensuring targets are SMART.

Ofsted have explored effective target setting and this good practice example from Highbury College outlines what it looks like.

Medals and Missions

In this article, Geoff Petty explores the medal and mission approach to target setting.