Pass It On November 2013, Issue 3 | Page 3

Target setting is an essential process. We all have some idea of where we want to be, what it will take to get there and how it can be achieved. Although we may carry out this target setting in our heads, it is essential that students track and keep a record of it. After all, they are in the process of learning how to be better learners and therefore it is an essential piece of that puzzle.

Target setting can take many forms:

- Using ProMonitor

- Using a blog format to share targets with the world

- Using a private learning journal

- Using a classroom display

It is best to combine these different approaches as students will need targets relating to a range of aspects of learning.

Targets could be set by:

- Teachers

- Students

- Peers

- Parents

- Support staff

It is advisable that all of these take place at some point on your course but student set targets are the most effective. This is because they are more likely to take ownership of these targets and will therefore be committed to achieving them.

Targets could be related to:

- Course content

- Study skills

- Employability skills

- English and Maths

- Pastoral issues

Once again, it is vital that targets are not solely in one of these categories but that there is a balance between them.

It is vital that targets are:




How/ when does it take place?