Parvati Magazine | Page 27

BEAUTY Many of us have poor circulation and since the blood system feeds our skin, long-term stagnation leads to an unhealthy complexion. When blood does not properly oxygenate and transport waste away from our skin it results in a sallow colour, lack of brightness, and decreased moisture. One reason our hands and feet are the first to crack and dry out in winter is because that’s where our bad circulation is most pronounced and in the cold, dehydrating weather, the tissue of our extremities devitalizes. But it’s not only about skin health (my personal preoccupation). Shaking up our bodies helps to combat cellulite. (I feel like I should insert organ music here because whenever I mention the word “cellulite”, my clients’ eyes widen and they look like the heroine in a silent horror movie). Jumping rope is one of the few exercises proven to reduce the appearance of cellulite. This is due to the full-body in- crease in circulation. Endermologie is one of the only proven cellulite treatments and, while it looks like a big intimidating machine, it was inspired by massage techniques originally developed to reduce stretch marks. It’s basically a piece of equipment that manipulates the body in a constant and rhythmic way in order to increase circulation. This just shows how blood movement affects our skin repair as well as assisting cellulite reduction and weight loss. As I step on this new machine, I imagine mobilizing my fat molecules and stimulating cellular rejuvenation with each vibration. It doesn’t just help because of the movement and stimulation, but also because of lymphatic drainage. It alleviates water retention, and this inspires me to use “the wi