Parvati Magazine Summer 2014 - Freedom and Delight | Page 41

OnWord Tweet us! Thank you for reading the Summer 2014 edition of PARVATI MAGAZINE. True freedom does not depend on our external circumstances, but arises as we release our attachments to sorry stories and past wounds. Liberation in Sanskrit is “moksha”, which refers to the final state of liberation we experience once we are enlightened. This is the freedom from our dualistic worldview and a permanent merging with the One, the all-pervading force of pure consciousness. Both freedom and delight require that we have the courage to fully show up in our life and take a risk on doing things a different way. Parvati Devi @parvati_devi Pranada Devi @pranada Ella Isakov @yogini_ella As you move forward into the month ahead, may you feel inspired to let go your attachments which stand in the way of your sense of freedom and delight. Sandra O’Brien Love yourself. Love others. Love our world. Renia Pruchnicki @truthbelts Parvati Kristen Ma @holisticvanity @muskokahotyoga Rishi Deva @KupidsPlay #parvatimag N E P TI M A RVA A GA I Z AN ENGAGED WORLD Parvati Magazine is a trademark published monthly by Positive Possibilities Incorporated. All rights are reserved. Nothing in this magazine may be reproduced without prior permission from the publisher. The views expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the editors or the publishers.