Parvati Magazine October 2014- Equilibrium | Page 7

POSITIVE POSSIBILITIES we go deeper within and find the distorted stories in our psyche, we can begin to rewrite our journey and make different choices. We have guideposts, clues, along the path of self-awakening. We learn to support what feels expansive within and release that which feels constrictive. When we explore our relationships from that vantage point, we can see that expansion supports our evolution, and constriction keeps us in some way in a state of disconnection and suffering. Everyone’s core beliefs are different, depending on our unique journey. Each one of us will find balance in our relationships in different ways as everyone has an individual soul voice and path. So I encourage you to write out what your core beliefs may be about your relationships. These core beliefs are driving your thoughts, choices and actions. These are creating your reality. 1. What do I believe about myself? 2. What do I believe about others? 3. What do I believe about women? 4. What do I believe about men? 5. What do I believe about intimate relationships? 6. Do I believe I can find a life partner? How come? 7. What do I believe about my job? 8. What do I believe about my career path? 9. What do I believe about being fulfilled? Be creative. Write other questions – like what do I believe about sex, money, fun, etc…Review and set this aside. Then take a new piece of paper or open a new document and answer the questions as to what you would like to believe, such as: 1. What would I like to believe about myself? 2. What would I like to believe about others? etc… Step back and take a look at both sets of answers. What do you believe? What would you like to be- lieve? Are they the same or different? Meditation shows me that replacing one thought for another does not work over the long term. We likely are still holding onto the old beliefs, trying to fit new ones over top. Instead, contemplate any gap between your two lists. It illustrates your growth edge. When you clearly see that what you believe is creating something that brings you suffering, you no longer choose to give it power. In that moment of letting go, there is space in which the new belief can take root. Deep and lasting change requires an inner restructuring and release process that only radical self-acceptance, humility and willingness can bring. May we all find ourselves cultivating balanced joy, love, service and expansion in all our relationships so that all beings everywhere may be free. Parvati Devi is the editor-in-chief of Parvati Magazine. In addition to being an internationally acclaimed Canadian singer, songwriter, producer and performer, she is a yoga teacher and holistic educator. Having studied yoga and meditation since 1987, Parvati developed her own yoga teaching style called YEMTM Yoga as Energy Medicine. Her current shows, “YIN: Yoga In the Nightclub” and “Natamba” bring forward a conscious energy into the pop mainstream. Her book “Confessions of a Former Yoga Junkie” is a road map to a revolutionary life makeover for sincere spiritual seekers. For more information on Parvati, please visit