Parvati Magazine November 2013 | Page 32

OnWord Tweet us! Thank you for reading the November 2013 edition of Parvati Magazine. We hope you have enjoyed the offering on Roots. We would love to hear from you. Email your feedback to: [email protected] I would like to invite you to take the rooted, vital and expansive challenge. Throughout this day and the days to come, continually inquire within: “Do I feel rooted, vital and expansive?” “Is this action feeling rooted, vital and expansive?” “Does this thought feel rooted, vital and expansive?” “Do these words feel rooted, vital and expansive?” Check to see that all your actions today arise from this. Parvati Devi @parvati_devi Pranada Devi @pranada Ella Isakov @yogini_ella Sandra O’Brien @muskokagoddess Renia Pruchnicki @truthbelts Love yourself. Love others. Love our world. Kristen Ma @holisticvanity Parvati Rishi Deva @KupidsPlay #parvatimag N E P TI M A RVA A GA I Z AN ENGAGED WORLD Parvati Magazine is a trademark published monthly by Positive Possibilities Incorporated. All rights are reserved. Nothing in this magazine may be reproduced without prior permission from the publisher. The views expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the editors or the publishers.