Parvati Magazine May 2014 - Feeling Alive | Page 32

OnWord Tweet us! Thank you for reading the May 2014 edition of PARVATI MAGAZINE. Our essential true nature, beyond the grasp of ego play, is one with the eternal, timeless Divine. In that, we find our inherent connection to the natural world and to the life force that magnificently pours through it in order to sustain all. In this way, Easter and Earth Day are welcome neighbours this year. Nature herself graciously shows us year after year that there is life after death, that after the ice of winter, soft, new growth arises and blooms. Parvati Devi @parvati_devi This life is a gift. There is no better time than in the flowering of spring and through its energy of renewal, rebirth, reunion and rejoicing to embody the grace of who you are and meet the fullness of your life’s potential. Ella Isakov @yogini_ella Love yourself. Love others. Love our world. Pranada Devi @pranada Sandra O’Brien @muskokahotyoga Renia Pruchnicki @truthbelts Parvati Kristen Ma @holisticvanity Rishi Deva @KupidsPlay #parvatimag N E P TI M A RVA A GA I Z AN ENGAGED WORLD Parvati Magazine is a trademark published monthly by Positive Possibilities Incorporated. All rights are reserved. Nothing in this magazine may be reproduced without prior permission from the publisher. The views expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the editors or the publishers.