Parvati Magazine March 2015 - Awareness | Page 8

YOGA EYES AND HEART Wide Open Image credit: Missy N W hen I lie in savasana, an exquisite peace flows over me. It is a reminder to me that I can access this feeling at any time because it always exists inside of me. When I accept that this feeling of pure joy is always there, it amazes me. I just have to breathe into the present and let go of anything and everything else that may take me away from remembering how awesome I am! Before I discovered yoga, I felt as if I was walking around in a haze. A certain heaviness and darkness seemed to always be with me, and had even become a part of me. In fact, I fed on that dark, dense energy. You could see it in all of the poetry I wrote. I lamented, complained, and openly expressed all of my negativity, frustration, and sadness. I became my thoughts and emotions, until they finally began to destroy me from the inside out. Then I found yoga. And it saved my life. It helped me become aware of how I had been contributing to my own suffering. Slowly, but surely, it taught me to how to connect with my inner world and the world around me. Through self-discipline and an ancient system that resonated with me, I began to really see myself. It became easier to view and accept myself as good, rather than judging myself by other people’s standards and their misguided beliefs. Who am I? – I am the silent awareness standing behind all this. What am I doing here? – I