Parvati Magazine February 2014 - Sobriety | Page 32

OnWord Tweet us! Thank you for reading the February 2014 edition of PARVATI MAGAZINE. As we have explored, the true spiritual aspirant is called to be sober in every area of his life. We even need to cultivate sobriety in the way we approach spirituality. Even after years of immersion in spiritual teachings, we may find that we are subtly addicted to feeling better than others because we are “spiritual”. Like a sugar rush, this illusionary identity does not nourish us, but leaves us ungrounded, out of touch and disconnected. As my new book “Confessions of a Former Yoga Junkie” explores, the prevalence of addiction in our spiritual communities and in the world at large calls us to look deeper into our psyche and touch the ways in which we may masks our true nature by being falsely identified with an idea, place, person or thing. The sober realization of the ways we hide from ourselves through our attachments requires courage and surrender to a power much greater than our limited ego. Parvati Devi @parvati_devi Pranada Devi @pranada Ella Isakov @yogini_ella Sandra O’Brien @muskokahotyoga Renia Pruchnicki @truthbelts Kristen Ma @holisticvanity Love yourself. Love others. Love our world. Rishi Deva @KupidsPlay Parvati #parvatimag N E P TI M A RVA A GA I Z AN ENGAGED WORLD Parvati Magazine is a trademark published monthly by Positive Possibilities Incorporated. All rights are reserved. Nothing in this magazine may be reproduced without prior permission from the publisher. The views expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the editors or the publishers. PREORDER YOUR COPY: PARVATI.TV/SHARE/CONFESSIONS