Parvati Magazine December 2014/January 2015: Consequence/Beginnings | Page 52

OnWord Tweet us! Thank you for reading the December 2014/January 2015 edition of PARVATI MAGAZINE. Consequences - whether sweet or bitter - are gifts of grace from a compassionate universe helping us to grow and release old karmas and tendencies. When we soberly understand the consequences of our thoughts, words and actions, we naturally make choices that do not create harm. As such, consequence becomes a springboard to a new beginning. Like an addict hitting bottom, we become ready to do things differently from how we have done, because we finally understand through consequence that the old habits will just never work for us. The consequence of the seismic bombing of the Arctic Ocean seabed is that innocent sea creatures die, seafront societies are disrupted, and our ocean’s health, that is central to the health of humanity, continues to weaken. We must find a new way forward to fuel our economy, beyond fossil fuels. This begins by saying “no” to the old ways we know don’t work. If you would like to help stop seismic bombing in the Arctic Ocean, please join our group of volunteers who are working for Specifically, we are looking for those willing to do research on the companies involved and for people who can support marketing our campaigns. If interested, please email me personally at [email protected]. In sober and humble beginnings, we can touch the infinite potential and grace of this moment and activate in service to the highest good of all. May it be so for you in 2015. Parvati Devi @parvati_devi Pranada Devi @pranada Ella Isakov @yogini_ella Kristen Ma @holisticvanity Rishi Deva @KupidsPlay Dawn Mauricio @dawnmauricio Anne Baker @nourishnutrishn Leanne Wood @msblissbubble Sandra O’Brien @muskokahotyoga Love yourself. Love others. Love our world. Parvati #parvatimag N E P TI M A RVA A GA I Z Parvati Magazine is a trademark published monthly by Positive Possibilities Incorporated. All rights are reserved. Nothing in this AN ENGAGED WORLD magazine may be reproduced without prior permission from the publisher. The views expressed in ѡ