Parvati Magazine December 2014/January 2015: Consequence/Beginnings | Page 51

BUSINESS quoted as saying, “One problem with philanthropy is that it’s unrewarding: You give away the money, and that’s it.” While I do not agree, his quote is appropriate to understand the key difference between the for profit and the not-forprofit business models. Shiller’s argument does not hold true for people and organizations who feel that serving one’s soul voice and/or serving others is the greatest reward. normally found in the corporate for profit sectors. It was not until I studied the international charitable organization “Embracing The World” that I saw how not-for-profits can run with greater efficacy and efficiency than most Fortune 500 companies. Through the support of volunteers and with a phenomenal leader at the helm, Embracing The World sets yearly targets. Every year, not only do they meet their goals, they exceed them. The best example of service to the soul voice can be seen in the arts industry. Not focused solely on profit, it needs public and private funding to balance the disproportionate work-to-income expenditure. Almost everyone in the arts puts in thousands of unpaid hours, yet would not trade their experience for a highpaying corporate job. This kind of efficiency is possible for not-for-profits, when there is clear intention, 100% accountability and willingness to serve a defined need. Such is the intention of parvati. org. It has a clear focus on driving social change and restoring ecological balance through mobilizing activities that serve a long-term vision: ensuring that we leave this planet better than we inherited it. Where Shiller’s argument may hold some merit is that many not-for-profits run with inefficiencies not that we do not own this planet, but share it. We have an unwritten contract and responsibility to leave this world a better place than when we came to it.’s first mandate is to stop the proposed Arctic seabed bombing by big oil companies. Its medium term goal is to bring about an international marine sanctuary in the Arctic such that the waters and its inhabitants are respected and protected from the interference of shipping, fracking or drilling. Whether or not you decide to work as a notfor-profit or for-profit company, you have the opportunity to act in service to your soul voice and the greater good. May clarity and effectiveness be watchwords for you as you create abundance that benefits all. was born through a collective of stewards who know Since 1994, Rishi Deva, founder and CEO of RishiVision and entrepreneurial coach, has empowered thousands of businesses. Rishi has an MBA in marketing and entrepreneurial studies and a BBA in accounting. He has spent nearly twenty years coaching, consulting, managing and supporting thousands of businesses from new startups to active global leaders. For more information on Rishi, please visit