Parvati Magazine December 2014/January 2015: Consequence/Beginnings | Page 46

COMMUNITY PROTECTING THE ARCTIC OCEAN T he global ecological crisis is a wake-up call for us all. It is not only a call to act with greater compassionate understanding of how interconnected we are. It is an opportunity for each one of us to wake up to the magnificence of our true nature, which is love. A collective is only as strong as its individuals. If we want to change our environment, we need to transform ourselves. The planet is a complex living organism with wisdom and compassion beyond what we can understand. It continually responds to the energy we put out and we respond to it. Our planet reflects our collective state of global consciousness and how we collectively treat each other, our environment and ourselves. At this time, many people are driven by fear and greed, living with short-term desires to get rather than give and serve. Most of us are taught to look out for “me”, rather than think about and care for “we”. Most of us do not know or care how our food gets to our table or how it was grown. We don’t know the tailor or cobblers that made our clothes and shoes. We can buy mangos in January in Canada that have traveled thousands of miles, at the cost of gallons of fossil fuels and emitting pounds of greenhouse gases. We have lost touch with the impact of our actions on our environment. What we think, feel and do affects all beings, everywhere, including