Parvati Magazine December 2013 - Remembrance | Page 10

MEDITATION OPEN THE DOOR To Your Inner Child MEDITATION grenous for us to bring ourselves to understand that we are in need of healing. Finally, the wounded child has our full attention. In order to heal, we must look within to get to know aspects of ourselves we have left behind. The wounded child gets locked away in the recesses of our being until we open that door. Perhaps a pressing force such as an accident or heartbreak brings us face to face with that door, but only a deeply gentle touch can turn the door handle for us to feel safe enough to walk in. Here are some ways you can open the door to your inner child. N o matter what age you may be or how much inner work you may have done, a wounded inner child may remain untouched, hidden away, asking for love in some way. Despite our parents’ best effort, it seems that many of us, at some level, did not receive the love we needed as a child. That part of our psyche becomes frozen in time, “wanting mummy” or “wanting daddy” in some way, seeking the love it needed and still needs, until we thaw our inner walls and become still enough to listen to its call. When the wounded child is in the driver’s seat of our lives, consciously or unconsciously we push that which is good for us away because we have lost the willingness to receive, believing fundamentally that the love we need does not exist. We create situations in our lives that prove our feelings of wounding. We may sabotage a great relationship, or sell out in our job or demean ourselves to make an opportunity happen, because we deep down feel that love is not possible for us. Used to making our way through life on a fraction of our true potential, we can be like invalids hobbling about on a broken leg, trying to convince ourselves that we are ok. We feed the wounds with temporary pacifiers like money, sex, drugs, entertainment and foods in an attempt to fill a void we don’t want to see. Sometimes it takes our broken leg turning gan- Find a quiet place and give yourself permission to feel. Just as a loving mother would fully accept all your joys and wounds without reserve, meet whatever arises in you, to the best of your ability, without judgment. Think of yourself welcoming your whole self with open arms. Take time to do this every day and notice how much more energy, freedom and joy naturally arises. Ask yourself the sincere question, with an open heart, “How do you feel? How come? What can I do to better love and support you?” Listen and receive the information with warmth and gratitude. Breathe it in. Take a box of wax crayons and some paper (newsprint is fine) and find a quiet, uninterrupted place. Let yourself scribble, doodle, do whatever you want without judging. Have fun letting your inner child play. Just notice what is there, the colours, the shapes, the mood, the expression. How do the images make you feel? What is being communicated in them? Quietly see if any thoughts, emotions or images come to mind. Breathe in and welcome any information that arises. Pick up the pencil in your non-dominant hand, that is, the one you do not usually use to write. Then ask your inner child if it has anything to say. Start to write without editing, even if the text is scribbly and hard to read. See what comes up, as it is, without judging. Breathe deeply and embrace whatever arises, as a loving mother would. Welcome the voice of your inner child into your heart. Find a quiet and relaxed place, either sitting on a chair or comfortably lying down. 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