Parkinson's Clinical Trial Companion Accelerating Clinical Trials | Page 34

CA SE STUDY NO. 7 Continued from page 31 Figure 3 Figure 4 Results Population-Specific Targeting The Fox Insight Facebook Ads Campaign recruited to the trial (Chart 1): Total Enrollment The marketing pilot significantly increased (825 percent) participant enrollment compared with baseline in terms of overall participants, individuals with PD and controls. During the pilot, a total of 1,138 participants, 46 percent of whom were individuals with PD, enrolled in Fox Insight. Of the 1,138 participants that enrolled in Fox Insight, 760 came directly from Facebook. + + 23 individuals with PD with a score of 25 or higher on the MDS-UPDRS (Part II) + + 64 participants with a PD diagnosis of 10 or more years + + 93 individuals with PD with a Non-motor Symptoms Questionnaire (NMS quest) score of 13 or higher Recruitment Costs The cost per conversion (i.e. the total cost of advertising/number of enrollees) of those individuals who came directly from Facebook (n=760) was $31.51/per enrollee. 32 Accelerating Clinical Trials: Best Practices for Recruitment and Retention