Parker County Today September 2016 | Page 24

Evon and her husband with their grandsons Tristan and Chase EVON MARKUM SEPTEMBER 2016 PA R K E R C O U N T Y T O D AY   22 Evon Markum, Vice President of First National Bank of Weatherford, has two grandchildren from her only daughter Stephanie. The oldest, Tristan, is 4 and his brother Chase is 2. Affectionately known as their “Pink Grandma,” both Tristan and Chase adore her. According to Stephanie, “Anyone who knows my mom or has run into her will probably know why she is called Pink Grandma. She is always in pink.” Tristan came up with the name Pink Grandma at the age of 2 because he associated her with the color. Tristan’s favorite thing about his Pink Grandma is that “she has shiny nails and she scratches my back and always gets me the cookies with green icing.” We asked Chase what his favorite thing was but the little guy just grinned at the mention of his grandma.