Parker County Today September 2015 | Page 52

Micah Fox Weatherford/Parker County Animal Shelter SEPTEMBER 2015 PA R K E R C O U N T Y T O D AY Following in her brother’s footsteps, Micah Fox is C.T. Fox’s sister, who was recently one of Parker County Today’s bachelor candidates competing for Bachelor of the 50 Year. Although he didn’t win the title, his sister is planning on picking up where he left off and continuing to raise funds for the Weatherford/Parker County Animal Shelter. Micah is a senior marketing student at Tarleton State University. This semester will be different for her; however, as it is the first one that she won’t be participating in collegiate rodeos. Her event was roping breakaway calves, and although she could have entered the arena for one more year, she wanted to concentrate on her last semester of school. She will be entering the workforce in December and according to her, “I am open to whatever happens. I enjoyed all of my marketing classes. You get to meet new people and publicize [their events].” Helping the animal shelter is a natural choice for her, she said, as she was “raised outside with all kinds of dogs, cats, horses and cows.”   Although she is almost finished with school, she looks fondly on her time at Tarleton. “I really enjoyed the traditions at Tarleton, like the football team, the baseball team, the rodeo team. It was an honor to be on the rodeo team,” she said. Micah said she is small in stature, but she does drive a big dually pickup truck. Asked what she likes most about her truck, she said, “I like that it’s mine. It’s big and I feel safe in it because I’m not very big.” Being a bachelorette will help her re-acclimate to the Weatherford community. “I’m looking forward to getting my name out there and getting to meet a different group of people that I haven’t met before,” she said. She has been away from Weatherford for the past three years, but was formerly a student at Weatherford College. “I’m finished with school in December,” she said. Finance and accounting are two of the last classes she has to take, so hopefully those classes will help as she counts the money raised for the animals needing forever homes.