Parker County Today PCT MAY 2019 | Page 17

Who’s Gonna Fill Their Shoes Namesakes County Hospital District, appointed to Parker County Historical Commission and Chandor Foundation, Weath- erford Rotary Club, and Board of Directors of Pecan Valley MHMR. She has served on the board of directors for Weatherford Christian School and was a Weatherford City Councilwoman and member of Parker County Heri- tage Society. She is known as “The Lady Who Saved Chandor Gardens,” one of the causes she works tirelessly to further. Jamie is also very active in her church, helps anyone in the community she knows who needs a leg-up in their careers, a kind word, is sick or sad. Jamie is also famous for making the world’s greatest chocolate pie. If you’ve done something extraordinary or something exceptionally kind, one of the highest honors you could hope to receive is one of Jamie’s famous pies. The Jamie Bodiford Award winner should recieve a set of Wonder Woman bracelets along with her award.     Philip Hobson Innovative Entrepreneur Award Philip Hobson, and his lovely wife Linda, had the vision to establish an air condition- ing and heating company back in the day when people had to be convinced that they needed air condi- tioning. Today, the company he founded has over 300 employees and services customers all over North Texas. All of his chil- dren and most of his grandchildren are involved in the company, Comfort Experts. Five years ago, the Hobson’s recognized a niche in the market, namely very few skilled air conditioning and heating technicians already in the job force. The problem arose that when older technicians would retire, there would be no one to take their places. Philip and Brett Hobson were instrumental in establish- ing the Perfect Technician Academy to develop and train students to be ready for entrance into the industry. In addition to growing and establishing a ground- breaking company that provides well-paying secure careers for Parker County and surrounding areas, Hobson built the business while he was instrumental in establish- ing The Promise in Glen Rose and supporting numerous civil and philanthropic endeavors.     Larry Fowler Law Enforcement Hero Award Sheriff Larry Fowler has been Parker County’s top cop and we all appreciate his hard work making the streets safer and allowing all of us to sleep a little better at night. His distinguished career began with his graduation from the Federal Law Enforcement Acad- emy and a stint with the US Marshal’s Service. Continued on page 20 15