Parker County Today PCT FEB 2019 | Page 48

Tiffany Dromgoole Tiffany is Vice President at Prosperity Bank Parker County Today: How did you get into your occupation?  TD: My aunt, Wendy, who is also in banking, encouraged me to get in to banking and finance as a teenager. I started as a teller in 1998 and since then I’ve enjoyed over 20 years of building business relationships, friendships, and community!   PCT: What is your favorite novel? TD: I usually fall asleep reading a Little Golden Book. Seriously, I really don’t have much opportunity to read, but Jane Eyre is probably my favorite.    PCT: What do you do to decompress? TD: I’ve always been a music lover. So at the end of the day, I like to listen to my grandmother’s old vinyl to unwind. I have a four-year-old, so it often ends with a dance party in 46 the living room.    PCT: What is something people don’t know about you? TD: People don’t know that I am legally blind in my left eye. Apparently, you need two good eyes for depth perception so 3D movies, using an escalator, and play- ing catch aren’t my favorite activities.    PCT: What would you most like to be remembered for?  TD: I’d like to be remembered as compassionate, helpful, and forgiv- ing. But I have a feeling I will be remembered for being Everlea’s mom, the one who made that queso, and for being a little bit of a klutz.    PCT: What’s your favorite way to pay it forward?  TD: Anonymously.   PCT: If you could have lunch with anyone, who would it be?  TD: My Mom. I didn’t realize how much I really learned from her until I had my daughter. Thank you, Momma! (…Then Elvis)   PCT: If you had to do another job than what you’re doing, what would you do?  TD: Interior designer or event coor- dinator.    PCT: What is your definition of the best day ever?  TD: My best day would have music, family, friends, Joe T’s margaritas, and eight hours of sleep.   PCT: What’s the best piece of advice you would give? TD: Follow the Golden Rule, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” It’s the simplest and most profound way of life.    PCT: What is the coolest thing you feel you have done in your life? TD: I’ve traveled a bit, drag-raced, and created a little mini-me. Aside from motherhood, the most reward- ing thing I’ve done is host successful fundraisers to support stem cell treat- ments for MS and Hope Center for Autism. Kim Williams Kim is a telecommunicator with the Parker County Sheriff’s Office