Parker County Today PCT FEB 2019 | Page 114

our opinions: CURMUDGEON MUSINGS The Last BY MARK BROWN T Word Timesaving Technology — The Biggest Time Wasters ime, such a precious commodity, but the world doesn’t look at it that way. So when you end the month with not enough time, think about the culprits. Do you ever think about how certain people and things can have a profound effect on your life, and more specifically on your time? When I was younger, I thought the way we spent our time was mostly working and weekends. It wasn’t until later in life that I figured out that work and fun was actually secondary in what consumes our time. Actually, the largest time thief is other influences. For instance, our new, supposed less-time consuming new technology is hugely time consum- ing. How many of you are like me? I’m a prisoner trapped in Username/Password Hell! In fact, I have two password vaults, just to find them, which is a whole topic of complicated all in itself. In the olden times, you know, the Dark Ages, back when you could actually throw your canceled checks away in the trash, back when you could open your mail, and actually look at your bank statement, you didn’t need a username and passcode to do that, now you need both of those and have to answer a question to boot, questions like, “What was your high school mascot?” Or “What was the maiden name of your boss at your first job?” Then every other place you do business with has the same methods. So how much time do you spend with those hurdles everyday? When you get done with that, which, by the way is not time you have budgeted into your daily schedule, then a crazy neighbor moves in next door, flying his freak flag, and you spend hours with their stuff. Or, your company changes prescription cards, and it takes a dozen trips 112 to the pharmacy to get that fixed, literally about six hours in time including trips back and forth. If you have to deal with the medical world in any fashion, go to any kind of doctor or dentist, you end up with hours of filling out forms, dealing with insur- ance companies, waiting in doctor’s offices with a 1:00 p.m. appointment and finally getting in at 2:30, a real time-killing black hole. The last time killer I’ll waste your time on is TV (not even sure that is a correct name for it anymore). The state of the entertainment medium we used to call TV is absolutely abhorrent! Talk about time consuming, and I’m not talking about actually watching. It’s so confusing. What show is on what platform? How do you find it? Apple TV - Amazon - Hulu - Regular network TV - or any of the other dozens and dozens of channels. Who really knows what you’re paying for? Searching for a show is soooo pleasant. You have to use your remote to scroll through hitting letters and numbers to punch in the name of what you want to watch— simply horrible. So, I bought a small Bluetooth keyboard to try to make it easier, but of course it is more difficult to keep it connected every time I use it, so it’s easier to use the other method. If you are the unfortunate owner of the new Apple TV remote, well, let me tell you it is the most awful remote I have ever seen, (I thought the old one was bad). It’s jet black, and so slick Chevy Chase could sled down a slope on it. Every time you touch it, you change everything. So now when I think about watching something, I get a migraine and go to bed. Someone told me once about time, if you waste an hour, you can never get it back, but if you use that hour productively that hour will pay you forever. I choose the latter.