Parker County Today October 2015 | Page 92

our pets: PETS Hank Williams Raises Cain BY KATIE RODGERS OCTOBER 2015 PA R K E R C O U N T Y T O D AY It all began on a typical Friday afternoon. Brandon Johnson was working hard, transferring a buddy of his from one worksite to another, when he noticed something in a drain culvert. A frightened, lonely German Shepard was hunkered down in the darkness. Brandon was on a tight schedule and had to keep driving, but later that day he went back to search for the pup. “I looked in the same drain that I’d first seen him in and he wasn’t there, so I looked in a different one and found him,” Brandon said. “I tried to get him out with a pole with a rope and couldn’t get him out.” Brandon called Animal Control, and Officers Blount and Davis responded. “I think he growled a little, but it wasn’t like he was going to jump out and attack me, it was more of him just being backed into a corner, I think,” Brandon said of the pup’s behavior when he first approached it. After two hours of work, the trio was able to free the pup from the drain culvert. They discovered that he was feral, with no home and most likely nobody looking for him. The officers took him to the Weatherford/Parker County Animal Shelter, where they kept him safe and named him Hank Williams. “We knew, of course, that nobody would come because he was feral,” Parker County Animal Shelter’s Kenzie Montgomery said. It was a sad truth, but they held Hank 90 for three business days just in case they were mistaken. As predicted, no one came; however, Brandon and his girlfriend, Michele Vukovich, just couldn’t stand the thought of him alone in a kennel until someone adopted him. Brandon went back as soon as he could and adopted the pup. He and his girlfriend renamed him Cain. Asked what gave him the urge to go back and adopt Cain, Brandon said aside from Michele’s unwillingness to leave him at the shelter any longer, they wanted to add another fur member to their family. “I used to have three dogs,” Brandon said. “We had to put one down, I would say, about eight months ago. He was an older dog and he had cancer.” They’d had tumors removed and the couple had done all they Kane: Before and After