Parker County Today October 2015 | Page 68

Above: Bikes & Linden leaf on the Rhine River, Frankfurt, Germany Previous page: Four-color posterization, old trucks in Breckenridge, Texas BY MEL RHODES OCTOBER 2015 PA R K E R C O U N T Y T O D AY P hotographer/ artist Russ Van Der Linden, 60, is a big guy — and his art is big, too, both in size and scope. As a matter of fact, sometimes people tell him his artwork is imposing, which is fine, because he uses the word himself. 66 “I use that word on purpose,” he said. “I’m 6’ foot 7”, and a lot of my images that I print are very big; I’ve got a 5-foot-by-8-foot piece on my wall at home.” Put simply, Van Der Linden is not interested in easing people into his work, rather in immersing them in the images, in making them feel the emotions he felt creating them. “I want that imposition,” he said. Van Der Linden is unapologetically forceful with his captured light, and eager that the viewer buy in, see more than a pretty picture, consider the tonal qualities and the elements of composition — the light. An “Air Force brat” and retired veteran, he spent much of his life in Europe in close proximity to the some of the greatest art the world has ever seen, and he took advantage of it, visiting museum after museum across the European Continent. “I tell people all the time that I worked 40 hours a week and then I woke up in Disneyland,” he said. “And that really is how it was. I rarely spent a weekend at home; I was always on the run. I was an English-speaking docent at a museum in Frankfurt, explaining to the officers’ wives club of Darmstadt, Germany, why a particular Rembrandt was important.” He added he is an amateur but avid art historian. His father, a career US Air Force fighter pilot who flew both in Korea and Vietnam, passed on the military life to his son who in 1999 retired after a 24-year career in the Air Force. He also passed on the photography bug. “My dad did photography forever,” he said. “He had an old Rolleiflex that I used to play around with when I was a kid. He also had an old 16mm movie