Parker County Today November 2018 | Page 9

U “Bachelorette Of The Year” Carol Cain nder a beautiful Texas autumn sky, Parker County gath- ered to celebrate Parker County Today’s 2018 Bachelorette of the Year. The event, Sweet Charity & Bachelorettes was held at the end of October at the stunning Diamond H3 Ranch, located just outside Brock. Careity Foundation was named Charity of the Year (Bachelorette). The goal for each bachelorette was a simple one, they had eight weeks to raise the most money possi- ble for her charity. Each of our bachelorettes worked tirelessly with her charity to raise money, but only one was able to be our winner. Bachelorette Carol Cain working along side Careity Foundation Co-Founders, Beverly Branch and Lyn Walsh raised a record-breaking $156,000 for her charity, Careity. Shocked that she won, she thanked the Careity Foundation for including her in this event.  “I want to thank Beverly Branch and Lyn Walsh for the opportunity. This has been awesome. I had a great time doing it. Careity is a great foundation, they are awesome,” Cain said. “We worked really hard with the golf tournaments and other events. I have to admit, and I really didn’t say thanks to my friends, but they really helped me out. It wasn’t just me.”  Ericha Schmidt earned the title of Benevolent Bachelorette who came in second place, raising a whop- ping $73,991.56 for Stars and Strides Therapeutic Stables. When all the numbers were calculated and totaled, bachelorettes for all five charities raised $408,325.96, a record amount of money raised since the event’s inception six years ago.  Cain was excited to be asked to be part of the competition, and was even more excited when she found out that she would be raising money for Careity.  “It’s a wonderful fun event to raise money for our charities and make others aware of what they [do to] actually help others. We don’t always see the pain people are going through, physically and financially,” Cain said.  A longtime hairdresser, Cain 7