Parker County Today March 2016 | Page 19

Q: What do you do to chill? A: I either play mental games on my iPad or watch soothing TV. It’s my way of calming my mind down. Q: If you could visit any place in the world, where would you go? A: I have been very fortunate to see most every place I have wanted to, but my bucket list place would be Augusta, home of the Masters. Q: If someone asked you for your best piece of advice, what would you say? A: Whether it be business, school, church of wherever, always strive to take care of others, and they will in turn take care of you. Q: What’s your favorite hobby? A: Golf and hunting. Q: What is the one thing that makes you happy? A: Success of others, starting with my family. Early Childhood Education THE SCHOOLHOUSE ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE PRE-SCHOOL • PRE-KINDERGARTEN KINDERGARTEN • EXTENDED CARE “Will your child be prepared for kindergarten?” Limited Spots Available Q: What makes you really sad? A: The current state of our wonderful country. When our country was founded, it was based on the separation of church and state. The intent was so the church would not run the state as it had in Europe. But the country was founded on Christian principles, and not intended to be driven away from those. Q: What scares you? A: Our separation from God! He gave us an owner’s manual called the Bible. But too many believe it’s a cafeteria plan that they can pick and choose what suits them. That will be our undoing. Q: Do you like to plan things out in detail or be spontaneous? A: Much to the chagrin of those around me, I am spontaneous. That’s why I keep my opposites around me so I don’t wreck the ship! Denice Cunningham 817.594.8444 817.613.1697 Director/ Owner Owner 1116 Santa Fe Dr., Weatherford, TX PA R K E R C O U N T Y T O D AY Amy Saunders Haydon MARCH 2016 Q: If you could go back in history, what era would you like to land in?  A: The 1950-1960 era when life was simpler. Mayberry!   Q: Who in your life has influenced you the most? How?  A: Three people: A gentleman named Mike Kropp who taught me everything about survival and sales; and second, my father-in-law, Perry Mader, who has taught me everything about business and helping others. And my mother-in-law, Barbara Mader, who is the most gracious, kind and giving person I know, but under that is one of the strongest leaders you will ever meet.   Q: What would you most like to be remembered for?  A: That I gave more than I took. 17