Parker County Today June 2017 | Page 32

our history: CITIES OF PARKER COUNTY PAST - PART 2 “They’ll Be Slipping Down The Mountain When — Northwestern Parker County a favorite launch site for They Come” summit incursions into the county BY MEL W RHODES F rom the heights of Slipdown Mountain, rising in the far northwestern corner of the county, unfriendly Comanches and Kiowas who’d slipped down across the Red River with mischief in mind could survey the rolling country as it swept away south and east and west. It is said they often planned their dreaded forays into Parker County from this vantage point, located about 4 miles southwest of present-day Poolville. In those days — the 1850s into the 1870s — the view from Slipdown Mountain was quite different. Where today there stand expansive swathes of live oak and cedar, in frontier times, native grassland prairie carpeted the land, and “one could see for miles in every direction.” On a fateful day in October 1866, the raiders set their sights on the Sullivan farm at the eastern edge of Slip- Bluffs of Slipdown Mountain / Wes Nations 30 down Mountain. These marauders had not entered the county unnoticed — Texas Ranger Major Joe Borden of Gibtown in neighboring Jack County had observed the Comanches riding southwesterly into Parker County, and he and his two sons sounded the alert. Borden formed a posse and gave chase, finding the Indians had passed by the pool at Poolville where they’d stopped long enough to butcher a cow. But there was no sign of the Coman- ches. It was a normal fall day at the Sullivan farm as they’d yet to hear news of the feathered invaders. Still knowing the precarious perch settlers sat upon along the frontier, Margaret Sullivan warned her sons Robert Harvey, 13, and Thomas Jefferson, 6, to keep a sharp lookout for Indi- ans. She was off to tend an ill neighbor and left Harvey