Parker County Today January 2018 | Page 10

Joe Lane  Joe is the owner of Fish Creek and one of our 2017 chefs. He’s involved in Ride for Heroes, Careity Men’s Initiative Board, Parker Paws and Aledo Economic Development. remembered for?  JL: Being a good father. There is nothing more important. PCT: If you could have lunch with anyone in history, living or dead, who would it be?  JL: My dad. PCT: If you had to do another job other than what you’re doing, what would you do? JL: I would be a stay-at-home dad. PCT: What is your impact to Parker County?  JL: I hope it’s been positive. I genuinely try to help and be a part of anything I can be that makes our community a better place. I don’t want to be anywhere else and I want it to be the best it can be. PCT: What is your definition of the best day ever? JL: I have a ranch — [so] being out there surrounded by family and friends and just fishing. Throw some wine and good food in there, too. PCT: How did you get into your occupation?  JL: It was kind of an accident. When I moved back home from college my dad was sick; I helped take care of my family and just needed a job. The librarian of the school where my mom taught found a dog. It just happened to belong to the owners of Razoo’s Cajun Café and they gave me a job. PCT: What is your favorite novel?  JL: The Art of the Deal, by Donald Trump. 8 PCT: What do you do to decompress?  JL: I like to spend time with my daughter. Spend time outdoors, hunt- ing, fishing. Spend time with family and friends. PCT: What is something people don’t know about you?  JL: I’m kind of an open book, honestly. As much of public life that I have, I really enjoy being out of the limelight. I’m an introverted extrovert. PCT: What would you most like to be PCT: What’s the best piece of advice you would give?  JL: Be honest to yourself. PCT: What is the coolest thing you have ever done in your life?  JL: Witness my daughter being born. Daniel Stephen Norris  PCT: If you could have lunch with anyone in history, living or dead, who would it be? DN: Well, the Christ, of course; but Bob Dylan wouldn't be a bad afternoon. PCT: If you had to do another job other than what you’re doing, what would you do? DN: Musician. PCT: What is your impact to Parker County? DN: I would like to think it's been positive. Obviously my impact has been mostly providing visual things. PCT: What do you do to decompress? DN: TV. Chess. PCT: What is your definition of the best day ever? DN: Well, the best day would be where no one died, no one cried, no bombs went off, everyone had enough to eat. There was no hatred, no sin. No bills to pay, only an eter- nity of studying a myriad of disci- plines and theories. PCT: What is something people don’t know about you? DN: I›m out of step with mainline Christianity, but love Yeshua intense- ly. PCT: What’s the best piece of advice you would give? DN: The best advice I could give is to draw close to God, and know true love and freedom. PCT: What would you most like to be remembered for? DN: That I finally got it right after repeated stumbling. PCT: What is the coolest thing you have ever done in your life? DN: They say it was working in the movies, but I know it's knowing and loving my precious wife Kathy. Daniel is an artist/singer song- writer PCT: What is your favorite novel? DN: Islands in the Stream