Parker County Today January 2017 | Page 15

Continued from page 8
Phil Rapp
Phil Rapp , Stand-out cutting horse trainer and rancher
PCT : How long have you been in Parker County ? PR : I believe we moved here to Parker County in November of 1994 . I came from Napa , Calif ., the Wine Country .
PCT : What ’ s the coolest thing you have ever done ? PR : Being involved with the birth of my two children . When you get older — my kids are 15 and 10 now — you realize what a blessing it is from God to have those children .
PCT : What ’ s your secret talent ? PR : You know , I guess just being able to get along with people , to relate to people , and to enjoy people .
PCT : What is your definition of the best day ever ? PR : It would involve going to church , I guess . We go to the Catholic Church in Mineral Wells , Our Lady of Lourdes . The day would be going to church with my family and coming back to enjoy the day with my family , and tending to the ranch on either a beautiful spring or fall day when it ’ s right there in the high 70s . PCT : What piece of advice has helped
define your life up until now ? PR : There are a lot of things , but one of the best is that you ’ ve got to earn your cowboy hat — basically , you have to earn respect from the people around you . There ’ s no other way to get it . If people respect me that ’ s good . Sometimes they may not like me , but if they respect me , that ’ s fair enough .
PCT : If you could have another career , what would it be and why ? PR : I guess as a young man baseball would have been a lot of fun . I often wish I had looked at getting a law degree , but when I was a young man going to school my focus was on horses and not on school . As an older person , I think a law degree would sure come in handy at times .
Jason Hayes
Jason Hayes is Sergeant , and Public Information Officer for the Weatherford Police Department .
PCT : How long have you been in Parker County ?
JASON HAYES : I ’ ve been here since 1992 .
PCT : What ’ s the coolest thing that you have ever done in your life ? JH : When I became a father to a little girl who now is a miniature version of me … .
PCT : What ’ s your secret talent ? JH : I am a professional scuba diver .
PCT : What is your definition of the best day ever ? JH : Spending the morning diving with my family and friends at a tropical location , preferably in the Caribbean , followed up by 18 holes of golf at a championship golf course .
PCT : What piece of advice has defined your life up until now ? JH : Be committed to everything you do ! The quote that always comes to mind is one by Kenneth Blanchard , “ There ’ s a difference between interest and commitment . When you ’ re interested in doing something , you do it only when it ’ s convenient . When you ’ re committed to something , you accept no excuses — only results .”
PCT : What is the best thing about your job ? JH : Never having to do the same thing two days in a row . It is the constant variance in the job that keeps it interesting . I have always enjoyed a challenge , and not knowing what hurdles or obstacles I will have to face each day .
PCT : If you could have another career , what would it be and why ? JH : I probably would be a fireman ; because I have always wanted to get paid for sleeping and watching movies in my Barcalounger .
PCT : What do you want to be remembered for ? JH : At work , my work ethic . At home , that I was a loving and devoted father and husband .