Parker County Today January 2016 | Page 110

A: Pop Tarts & Porch Swings - The First 30 Years. It would be about the people [I’ve met] and experiences I’ve had the past 30 years! (Yes, I’ve actually thought about this.) Q: What accomplishment are you most proud of?  A: Gaining and keeping some, if the most incredible, life-long friends a woman could ever ask for. My best friends have been around since we were 5 years old. Q: When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?  A: I’ve always wanted to be a motivational speaker.  Q: How did you get into your field? A: I love serving people and solving problems; operations is doing just that.  Q: Would you recommend your career for other people? Why? A: Absolutely. Everyone should work at least one direct customer service position in their life to learn what it’s like on the other side. There would hopefully be more respect and patience for others. Q: If you could visit any place in the world, where would you go?  A: Cairo, Egypt, to see the Pyramids. Q: Who is the one person you would like meet?  A: I would love to sit and talk with Billy Graham. your best piece of advice, what would you say?  A: To smile big and speak sweet in all that you do. Let your light shine, always.  Q: If you could go back in history, who is the one person you would like to meet? A: I would love to meet C.S. Lewis and talk to him about his writing.  Q: Who in your life has influenced you the most? How?  A: My children, Benjamin and Zoie. They are the reason I get up every day and work hard to set the example of what a woman of God is. They are pure love and I am so proud to be their mother. Q: If someone asked you to give them ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Dr. Weldon Leon Abbott Professor of Psychology Weatherford College  Q: What do you do? A: College Professor in Behavioral Sciences Q: What are some of your favorite movies? A: Bull Durham, A Few Good Men, and Jack Reacher. JANUARY 2016 PA R K E R C O U N T Y T O D AY Q: If you were to write a book, what would you call it and what would it be about?  A: Actually writing one now – Psychology for Your Phenomenological World. Q: What accomplishment are you most proud of? A: Running the Cowtown Marathon and living to tell about it. Professionally, making doctors. Specifically, being able to say to doctoral candidates as they defend their doctoral dissertation, “Congratulations, you are now one of us!” I know what it feels like to hit a three-run home run, but being able to tell someone how to do it and watching them do it is even more gratifying and fulfilling. 108 Q: How did you get into your field?  A: Someone came to me with a problem and I did not possess the skills to help. And that motivated me to never be in a place where I couldn’t provide assistance, etc. Q: Would you recommend your career for other people? Why? A: Absolutely. I teach an array of college freshmen and sophomores to doctoral students. Knowing the influence you have is never-ending. And the reverent feeling you have when you saved a life because of your counseling. Q: What do you do to relax? A: Reading and crossword puzzles. Wait, that doesn’t sound like an interesting person. Mumble, mumble, mumble. Q: If someone asked you to give them your best piece of advice, what would you say? A: “If it were easy, everyone would have one.” (college degree B琦