Parker County Today February 2017 | Page 46

Know Your Risk

Despite increased public awareness , rates of skin cancer in America continue to increase . In addition , the treatment of skin cancer is one of the most significant problems facing the American healthcare system . It remains imperative that physicians and patients alike are aware of the predisposing risk factors associated with and signs of the various forms of skin cancer .

Early detection , diagnosis , and treatment is critical to reducing morbidity and mortality associated with these diseases . Here , we hope to provide some helpful insights on how patients may be more alert and aware of their own skin cancer risk and when they should be seen by a dermatologist for any concerning lesions .
There are three types that make up the vast majority of skin cancers : basal cell carcinoma , squamous cell carcinoma , and melanoma . associated with large amounts of cumulative sun exposure and are often found on more “ sun-exposed ” skin such
Basal cell carcinoma ( BCC ) is the most common cancer in the world . Luckily , with early diagnosis the morbidity and mortality associated with these cancers are fairly low . Patients at risk for BCC are most often those who have had large , cumulative amounts of sunexposure in their lifetime . BCC is most commonly found on the head and neck , and has a particular predilection for the nose and other parts of the face . These cancers most often appear as red , pink , or faintly blue in color with a smooth , shiny surface . I often hear my patients come in with a BCC and describe it as a slowly growing pimple that hasn ’ t healed in weeks . When detected early , they are often very flat and thin , but advanced lesions may be thicker with bleeding , crusting , and ulceration . BCC is most often treated with outpatient ( in-office ) surgery , however , some non-surgical options exist .
Squamous cell carcinoma ( SCC ) is the second most common form of skin cancer encountered in America . These cancers are also