Parker County Today December 2017 | Page 28

Cancer patients who work with social worker Judith Kehoe are often astounded by her great empathy .


Few realize that it comes from first-hand experience .

Judith Kehoe knows a lot about cancer . She ’ s a great resource for the patients at the Center for Cancer & Blood Disorders in her role as a social worker . But what most people don ’ t know is that much of her knowledge comes from Judith ’ s own cancer journey which began in March of 2004 when she was diagnosed with breast cancer , specifically a Stage II Triple Positive Invasive Carcinoma .

When she began her treatment post diagnosis , she was not alone for the first part of her cancer journey . She shared it with her father who was undergoing treatment for metastatic prostate cancer that he had been diagnosed with two years earlier .
“ We went through chemo together ,” she said . “ We lost our hair together .” Unfortunately , her dad lost his battle with cancer and passed away on Christmas Day of 2004 .
Even with that loss , Kehoe didn ’ t give up hope for her own treatment and recovery . She continued with her treatment , which included a mastectomy , six rounds of chemotherapy and radiation . All told , the process took almost a year from diagnosis to completion . During that time , she took time off her job as a social worker and started volunteering with a local organization that worked with cancer patients . As a caregiver to her father and a patient herself , she felt she had something to give back to other patients going through their own cancer journeys .
She didn ’ t know about Careity Foundation at the time she was going through her own treatment , but began her involvement with the organization when she began working as an oncology social worker at the Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders . Now she can ’ t say enough about the support that Careity gives to the patients and their families throughout the course of their treatment and beyond . She knows the importance of providing what Careity does for patients and their families .
“ We have a monthly support group in Weatherford ; it has been meeting for three years . Careity sponsors it and provides the meal . Patients love it . They come and share their stories . We had 27 people attend a support group at our Magnolia location . It ’ s nice to share a meal together while getting support and encouragement ,” said Kehoe .
“ All of the patients at the support group have different diagnoses . Anywhere from newly diagnosed , reoccurrences and survivors . It ’ s just a place to get encouragement and hope . One of the patients who attends the group is a thirteen-year survivor . When people come in and they have had a terrible diagnosis they can get to see her and she provides them some hope .
Careity Foundation also provides financial resources to patients as well as providing funding for professionals like her that help patients navigate their way through cancer treatment and recovery . Careity provides resources like