Parker County Today December 2015 | Page 92

our business: BIZ HELPING BIZ SOLUTIONS BY ABIGAIL V. GIEGER PHOTO BY STEVE SCHILLIO T One man’s trash is another man’s livelihood DECEMBER 2015 PA R K E R C O U N T Y T O D AY im Drillette, president of GTR, Inc., sat down with  Parker County Today  to discuss his business and the relationship he has with Mitch Bedinger and Interface Financial.  Since we weren’t quite sure, Drillette described what GTR, Inc. does as a business. “We are the waste and recycling brokerage business, so, in essence, we buy and sell trash and recycling.”  Referred to Bedinger and Interface Financial by his banker, Drillette gave us a run down on what has been happening between GTR and Interface Financial. “This particular business has been in business for nearly five years,” Drillette said. “The growth of the business has been pretty dramatic over the past year, year and a half.”  90 This growth was attributed to the inclusion of Mitch Bedinger with Interface Financial.  “Basically, the way his company works is they advance money for services that we have already rendered to the customers that pay us,” he explained. “So we go buy a load of cardboard and we sell it to paper mill ‘X’ and when we do that, we’re waiting for the money, and the people that we buy the material from would like to have their money potentially today or  tomorrow  — quick. Mitch’s company basically allows you to collect that receivable, if you will, and they advance money on that particular receivable which allows us to grow our business so we can pay our customers and suppliers in a manner that’s befitting them to keep shipping us more material.”