Parent's World 61 | Page 10


green is the new black

mahatma Gandhi once said , “ Earth provides enough to satisfy every man ’ s needs , but not every man ’ s greed ”. In a world that is revolving around excessive consumerism and materialism , it can sometimes be difficult to draw the line between a need and a want . Do we advocate a Reuse , Reduce , and Recycle habit in our home , or are we a part of the buy-and-throw-away culture ? Whenever I see news about global warming or environmental issues , I shudder to think about what the future will be like for my children . Many of us may feel that our contributions are insignificant when compared to the world at large , but if everyone puts in some effort , there are , in fact , many ways we can help to reduce consumption and alleviate the global resource crisis .

In this issue , we have put together an Earth Day special to take a more in-depth look at the more common environmental issues close to home ( p64 ). Our Fashion Forward spread ( p40 ) features ecofriendly companies and brands that strive to take sustainable fashion to the next level . For the globetrotters , we have specially curated a list of top eco-friendly hotels and resorts around the world ( p80 ).
Photography : Edmund Leong Wardrobe : Klarra Makeup & Hair : Zann Toh


Jasmine J . Goh draws on her own experience to help you on any issues regarding parenting , business-making and relationships .
E-mail : ask @ ladybossjj . com
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Our cover girl Angelababy ( p26 ) has established herself as a multi-hyphenate in her own right . Wife of Huang Xiaoming and a well-known figure in the Chinese entertainment industry , she is a successful model , actress , entrepreneur , and most recently , new mother . A lesser known fact is that Angelababy is also a philanthropist and an avid wildlife activist . As an ambassador of WildAid , she is currently helping to create awareness on illegal pangolin trafficking . Her spirit of charity and love for nature serve as an inspiration to all .
As parents , our attitude towards the environment has a direct impact on our children . As their first and primary teachers , they will pick up on our habits quickly and these are likely to be ingrained in them throughout their lifetime . In my household , I make it a point to bring my own bags when doing grocery shopping . I also make a conscious effort to save electricity and water at home , and turn these into teachable moments to remind the children to love and show respect for Mother Earth .
Saving the earth starts with us . Let us take more proactive steps to reduce our wastage and work towards a greener planet . Happy Earth Day !
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