Parent Teacher Magazine | Page 9

Gaston County Principal of the Year makes every day count Left, Sadler Elementary principal Rebekah Duncan holds a picture of herself with a former student, who says Duncan had a significant influence on her life. Right, Duncan - the Gaston County Principal of the Year for 2014-2015 - spends time with a group of fifth grade students. There are 591 students enrolled at Sadler Elementary School this year, and principal Rebekah Duncan knows each one by name. Every morning, Duncan – the Gaston County Principal of the Year – greets the students coming through the school doors. She takes time to ask how they are doing and listens to what they say. Sadler Elementary’s theme for the 2014-2015 school year is “The Power of One.” This has also been the theme for Duncan’s last six years as the school’s principal as she invests in staff and students one at a time. Her career is evidence of the power of one: the difference one person can make and what a difference it makes for one person when they feel they are truly valued. As a Title I school, Sadler serves a community with high levels of need. Duncan said she and her staff are constantly focused on instruction and test score data to keep students performing at grade level. Still, Duncan doesn’t just look at the numbers – she sees the children behind them. There are 70 students with an IEP (Individualized Education Plan), and Duncan sits in on every one of the parent meetings to make sure the children and families are being served. “Her care for the children is constant and genuine,” said school counselor Jennifer Christy. Last year, Duncan noticed that Sadler had very few volunteer mentors. She knew there were children who needed one-on-one time with a caring adult, so she made a list of more than 50 students who would most benefit from mentoring. She then asked the teachers if they would consider giving their time. Every full-time staff member signed up for a student. “I think that can make a really big difference when you look at it child by child,” Duncan said. “The students are excited about that time with their mentor.” Although she would like Sadler’s test scores to be higher overall, Duncan said she can see where the individual focus is paying off. Sadler was one of only two elementary schools in Gaston County to exceed state expectations for academic growth in the 2012-2013 school year. Duncan also looks for ways to invest in her staff members by taking time to ask for their advice and praise them for their accomplishments. “When you go to her with a problem, her door is always open,” said second grade teacher Lori LaBella. “She’s relaxed, level-headed. She makes you feel there’s no problem too big to solve.” “I think Becky’s an amazing principal to work for,” added Vicky English, instructional facilitator. “She’s an advocate for the teachers and their children.” This has been true since Duncan started her career as a kindergarten teacher at the former Gastonia Central Elementary and later at Woodhill Elementary. Last school year, Duncan received a message from a former third grade student, who has since graduated from UNC-Charlotte. “She told me I was the first teacher in her life who had made her feel like I really cared about her,” Duncan said. That student is now pursuing a master’s degree and considering a teaching career and has asked Duncan for mentoring and advice. “Those