Parent Teacher Magazine Union County Public Schools Sept/Oct 2017 | 页面 12

UCPS Class of 2017 earns record $126 million in scholarships The Union County Public Schools (UCPS) Class of 2017 earned a record $126 million in scholarships this year, marking the seventh consecutive year the amount of scholarships offered to graduating seniors has steadily increased. The graduating class also earned $12.4 million more than the previous record-setting amount of $113.6 million earned by the Class of 2016 UCPS Graduates. concert OCT 13TH 7PM-9PM festival OCT 14TH 10AM-5PM festival OCT 15TH 12PM-5PM PRO-TEAMS SAT 1:30-4:00PM BACKYARD TEAMS SUN 1:30-4:00PM The graduating class also earned $12.4 million more than the previous record-setting amount of $113.6 million earned by the Class of 2016. The Class of 2017 received a total of 2,252 scholarships, with five of the 11 high schools receiving more than $10 million at their respective schools. Piedmont High graduates earned $21.9 million in scholarships, followed by Weddington High graduates ($21.2 million), Marvin Ridge High graduates ($19.2 million), Cuthbertson High graduates ($18.4 million) and Porter Ridge High graduates ($10.6 million). Of the 2,975 graduates, 61 percent are planning to attend a four-year college, with an additional 27 percent planning to attend a two-year college, 10 percent planning to enter the workforce and 3 percent planning to enlist in the military. “Congratulations to both our students and staff on this impressive accomplishment,” said UCPS Superintendent Dr. Andrew Houlihan. “I am proud of the work that our counselors, principals and teachers are doing to support our graduates. As we move forward with more tools to help schools with college and career readiness, we expect to see more students prepared for college and the workforce.” —This article was provided by the Union County Public Schools Communications Office. 10 • Sept/Oct 2017 • Parent Teacher Magazine  Friday night concert - Shelley Ruffin and Soul Revival KIDS ZONE WITH CARNIVAL RIDES | music | beer garden FOOD TRUCKS | CRAFT FAIR | horse rides | petting zoo visit: WWW.WAXHAW.COM to learn more /townwaxhaw /townofwaxhaw